Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer Serving Wisconsin

Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer Serving Wisconsin

Sex crime accusations are dangerous and frightening charges which can carry incredibly serious ramifications for your professional standing as well as your reputation. Convictions lead to significant fines and jail time, and will permanently register you as a sex offender, tarnishing your name and professional prospects for life. In the case of sex crimes, even the accusation can lead to serious consequences in your personal life regardless of the outcome, so it is essential that you take action immediately to protect your legal rights and interests.

At Hart Powell, S.C., our Wisconsin legal team is committed to protecting the standing and rights of our clients against charges of any alleged sex crimes, and will work diligently to clear your name in order to help manage your reputation and future. To learn more about your rights and options for legal defense, call a Wisconsin internet sex crimes lawyer today at (414) 271-9595.

Table Of Contents

    Types of Internet Sex Crimes

    The extent and reach of the internet has made it the prime location for modern sexual predation, and many of the more serious allegations of sex crimes. These charges carry extremely serious penalties and must be aggressively managed in order to prevent a person from facing unwanted repercussions. Our attorneys can help defend you against charges of any of the following crimes:

    • Possession of child pornography
    • Chat room solicitation
    • Violation of the Mann Act
    • Prostitution

    With the assistance of our legal team, you will have the resources you need to manage your case and defend your rights to the greatest extent possible.

    Contact Us

    If you have been charged with an internet sex crime, do not hesitate to seek out skilled legal representation to give yourself the best chance at avoiding unwanted and life-altering penalties. With the legal guidance of an experienced Wisconsin internet sex crimes attorney from Hart Powell, S.C., you can take steps to defend yourself against any allegations. For a free consultation to discuss the details of your case, call us today at (414) 271-9595.

    Written by Michael Hart & Craig Powell

    Last Updated : January 18, 2024